Five Wishes for Incoming College Freshmen
Be sure your student signs an advance directive before heading off to school

Five Wishes President Joanne Eason reminds parents of incoming college freshmen to be sure their student signs an advance directive before heading off to school. Should something happen and the student is unable to make his/her own medical decisions, an advance directive would guide medical decision-making – most likely by the parents. “Having your child’s medical wishes documented in advance will give everyone peace of mind of knowing that you won’t have to guess their wishes in the middle of a crisis.”
Eason points out that while many believe advance directives like Five Wishes are for elderly and sick people, most of the landmark legal cases on end-of-life matters involved young people. Of those, most prominent was the case of Terri Schiavo, who was the subject of a protracted 15-year legal battle that finally ended in 2005.
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