The Disappointing Debate

Challenges facing America require visionary leadership

June 28, 2024

By Jim Towey

Last night’s presidential debate left me wondering how wonderful it would have been if a substantive debate on the issues had taken place instead of what we witnessed.

You likely have your own set of priority issues and I have mine.  My top dozen, in no particular order:

Public servants needed

There was a time in America when individuals seeking high office had the interests of the nation ahead of their own.  Such other-mindedness gave an office holder the title “public servant.”  Where has that ethic gone? 

Public service is a high calling. The next president will likely have no honeymoon. Because of the presence of credible independent candidates, as well as voters who either stayed home because they couldn’t vote in good conscience, or just held their nose and voted, a large majority of Americans – probably 60% or more- may be unhappy, maybe angry, come inauguration day.  And the media will be in the middle of it all, stirring up resentment and fanning fears.  Our democracy deserves better.

Citizens wanting serious solutions to the challenges facing America may have to wait four more years if America doesn’t unite after the upcoming national elections. We have been conditioned to accept that our political leadership puts off work like a school kid with math assignments.  Our leaders have been kicking the can down the road until they kick the bucket. That has to stop. America needs visionary leadership at all levels of governance. The challenges of our time demand no less. 

(The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of Aging with Dignity and/or its Board of Directors.)