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Always Getting Better: Self-Improvement Tips for Seniors

Three easy ways to keep fit, both mentally and physically
December 22nd, 2022

By April Meyers

As we enter our senior years, it’s common to fall into a predictable routine and avoid taking risks, but there’s no age limit on self-improvement, and many of the most important discoveries are made later in life.  In this article, we’ll explore a few key adjustments you can make to improve yourself and your lifestyle.

Mental Health

When it comes to self-improvement, the first place to begin is in your own head.  With recent breakthroughs in mental health stigma, there are more options to reflect upon the self and work towards a more positive state of mind.

  • Meditation:  There are a few activities you can work into your routine that are more effective for attaining a calm, focused mindset than meditation.  Familiarize yourself with the various forms to see if any of these appeal to your needs.
  • Reading:  The benefits of reading need no summary. If you want to expand your worldview, explore new philosophies and increase your attention span, you could do a lot worse than one of the latest bestselling paperbacks.  Browse through some of the more recent titles and see if you can lose yourself in words.
  • Talking:  We rarely go out of our way to seek out new relationships, but conversations with a variety of people from a variety of backgrounds can have tremendous effects on our demeanors, ideologies, and understanding of people.  You can connect with others via social media (check out groups with mutual hobbies), local events, or volunteering.


Maintaining our physical health and surroundings is key to an enjoyable lifestyle and self-improvement.  Here are a few suggestions to get you up and moving and improving your immediate space.

  • Light exercise:  Simple exercise such as tai chi, yoga, or a morning walk can have tremendous effects on our health and mood.  Consider the ways in which you’re using your body, and don’t be afraid to attempt new activities.
  • Home environment:  Decluttering and maintaining a clean home environment is essential to our mindset.  If your house needs deep cleaning, it can be worth browsing online resources for expert advice and to read the latest in-depth reviews and find out more about cleaning products.
  • Diet: “You are what you eat,” as the saying goes, but many of us don’t draw the connection between the way we feel and the food we’re putting in our bodies.  If you’ve been in a rut lately, consider revamping your diet with fresh produce and lean meats, you’ll find plenty of recipes online to help.


With so many opportunities to pick up new skills, explore fascinating subjects and push your brain to its limits, why would you put a cap on education?  Here are some ideas for ways you can get back into learning.

  • Higher education:  Thanks to remote learning, it’s now possible to complete a degree entirely online and fit your studies around any other personal or professional responsibilities. You can then use this knowledge to teach others. In order to earn your Bachelor of Education degree, make sure to first check that your desired course offers competitive tuition and is properly accredited.
  • YouTube videos:  There’s no shortage of learning content available on the internet’s premier video-sharing platform.  Whatever your hobby, you’ll be sure to find video essays or documentaries exploring the issue.

Whether you’re reading a new series, clearing out the home, practicing tai chi, or returning to education, you’ll find no shortage of opportunities for self-improvement as long as you look.  Take the time out of the day to work on yourself, and you’ll soon find an exciting new future unraveling before you.

(April Meyers of Wheaton, IL is an advocate of embracing the mind-body connection. She created Mind Body Health Solution to support people far and wide in their wellness journey.)


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