MAID in Canada
America’s northern neighbor has embraced a culture of death. Here’s a better way to go.

Aging with Dignity founder Jim Towey looks at the pro-choice, pro-life “shouting match” over abortion and hopes the same does not occur when considering euthanasia and physician-assisted suicide. Instead of a full-speed-ahead approach advocated in Canada under Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Jim advocates for the life-centered approach of “[b]etter pain management; earlier access to hospice and palliative care; improved community mental health services; expanded health care options for the poor; a renewed emphasis on self-determination through advance directives so that health systems respect and honor patient choices without abetting suicide; and a concentrated outreach by faith-based organizations to the lonely, disabled, and depressed…” Such an approach “can help policy-makers avoid the ‘pain or poison’ dynamic that characterizes the current public-policy standoff.”
Read More: National Review