The Spiritual Impact of Silent Reflection
An invitation to “sit, rest and be loved.” Season 4, Episode 9
In this week’s episode, we return with counselor Kathryn Clarke to the topic of the “thin place between heaven and earth.” She expands on her own experience of silent reflection and the powerful spiritual impact she feels when visiting her Catholic church. “As Catholics, we believe in the presence of Christ in the Eucharist. We believe that each host in each tabernacle holds the divine reality of Jesus Christ. This is our ultimate ’thin place.’” She notes one need not be Catholic to experience the “thin place”– it’s available to all.
Clarke invites us to sit quietly and allow God to enter our thoughts and speak to us in the silence of our hearts. She says to reflect on the following question: “God, I believe this about you, how do you see me?”
Kathryn Clarke is a widely-respected public speaker on the spiritual life and the author of The Breakable Vow (Harpercollins 2004), The Map (Backpack Productions LLC), and The Backpack Program (Backpack Productions LLC). She is married, the mother of six children, and lives in Ireland.