Things we saw you that you might want to see and know about.
The Gauntlet of Caregiving: S.A. Sams
Dying in God’s Hands: Camille Pavy Claibourne, RN, PhD
Purses and Shoes for Sale: The Joys and Challenges of Caring for Elderly Parents: Camille Pavy Claibourne, RN, PhD
Are You Really Listening?: Bernice Simpson
Books for Christmas 2022: First Things
Seven Books That Understand Your Grief: The Atlantic
What I Learned When I Became My Parents’ Caregiver:
Because It Matters: A Guide to Getting Your Life in Order Before You Die: Cheyenne R. Mease
The Perverse Incentives of Euthanasia: Noah Smith
Driving Miss Norma: An Inspirational Story About What Really Matters at the End of Life: Tim Bauerschmidt and Ramie Liddle
Flying With Dad: Yvonne Caputo
Love’s Last Act: Planning a Peaceful Death With No Regrets: Deborah Price
No Heroic Measures: Susan Oberg
The Four Things That Matter Most: Ira Byock, MD
The Art of Dying Well: A Practical Guide to a Good End of Life: Katy Butler
Law for Nurse Leaders: A Comprehensive Reference: Paula DiMeo Grant and Diana C. Ballard